
Livres traduits de Luc Bodin

par | Oct 21, 2020


Healing with energy

Kindle only

Quantic and psycho-energetic thérapies

In  Healing with Energy, you’ll find everything you need to know about treating with energy in all forms from traditional medicine to modern therapies. This book is the link between traditional medicines and the latest discoveries in quantum physics, and explains perfectly their mode of action. A clear presentation of existing energy techniques, and in particular the energy care techniques developed by Dr. Luc Bodin during his professional experience. Many techniques explained in this book are immediately applicable by the reader.

Guy Trédaniel éditeur – Kindle only : 16,99 euros

The book of Ho’oponopono

The Hawaïn Practice of Forgiveness ans Healting

Prepare for the change

From prophecies to reality


El gran libro de Ho’oponopono

Sabriduria hawaiana de autocuracion

Bloc de notas. Terapias vedes salud

Mis pequenos automasajes bienestar

El arte de Ho’oponopono

El secreto de los sanadores hawaianos

El arte de EFT

Preparate para el cambio

Desde las profecias hasta la realidad

Manual de sanacion energética

Curar sin medicamentos

El nuevo Ho’oponopono

Aloha, la Huna, el Poni, la Ha, el Mana… Todo la subriduria hawaiana que te aporta, salud, felicidad y exito.



I segreti dei guaritori hawaiani

Il grande libro di ho’oponopono

Seggezza hawaiana di guarigione

EFT. Istuzioni per l’uso

Tecniche di liberazione emozionale per superare le tue paure e cancellare « con un dito » tutte le emozioni negative che ti tormentano.

40 Automassaggi

Per la salute e la bellezza.

Publizia e protezione energetica delle peronne e dei luoghi

Rimedi tecniche e protocollo.



O segredo da cura havaina.

O grande livro do ho’oponopono

Sabedoria havaina de cura.


Ho’oponopono anders bekeken

Een noeuwe kijk op het authentieke Hawaïaanse vergevingsritueel.

De genezende kracht van ho’ponopono

Maak kennis met de spirituele levenswijsheud uit Hawaï en kom in het reine met jezelf en je verleden.


Sifah kitaplar. Aile kekimizden kocakarizden kocakari ilçlari

Sifah kitaplar. Vücudumuzon sifali noktalari



Hawaiianische Weisheit für Vergebung und Heilung.


La méthode Aora

Éveillez votre pouvoir guérisseur.




Scapa de stres!

Medicina spirituala

Mesajele ascunse ale bolibor

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