
Book – Healing with energy

par | Oct 30, 2020


Book in english by Luc Bodin


Healing with energy

Quantic and psycho-energetic thérapies



In  Healing with Energy, you’ll find everything you need to know about treating with energy in all forms from traditional medicine (magnetism, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Reiki) to modern therapies (energy care, chromatotherapy, Mora device, EFT, Ho’oponopono, TAT…).

Healing with energy  is the link between traditional medicines and the latest discoveries in quantum physics, and explains perfectly their mode of action.

A simple and clear presentation of existing energy techniques, and in particular the energy care techniques developed by Dr. Luc Bodin during his professional experience.

Many techniques explained in this book are immediately applicable by the reader.

Guy Trédaniel éditeur – Kindle : 16,99 euros


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